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Words ending with: ed
13 letter words that end with ed
interpellated knuckleheaded legitimatized malfunctioned metamorphosed microinjected misattributed miscalculated mischannelled misclassified misemphasized misfunctioned misidentified mispositioned misprogrammed mispronounced misregistered misremembered mistranslated mononucleated multibarreled multibranched multistranded multitalented municipalized nonaccredited nonaffiliated nonassociated nonclassified nonconjugated noncontrolled noncultivated nonesterified nonintegrated nonirradiated nonmyelinated nonrestricted nonsegregated nonstructured nonsubsidized outmaneuvered outpoliticked outreproduced overamplified overbejeweled overcautioned overcivilized overcommitted overconcerned overcorrected overdecorated overdeveloped overestimated overexercised overexplained overexploited overfulfilled overharvested overidealized overimpressed overmedicated overmodulated overnourished overorganized overpersuaded overpopulated overprocessed overprogramed overprotected overqualified overregulated overresponded oversaturated overstretched oversweetened overtightened pamphleteered parameterized parenthesized philosophised philosophized phosphoresced photocomposed photoengraved photooxidized pictorialized politicalized porcelainized posttensioned predesignated predestinated predetermined predischarged prefabricated preformulated preponderated preprogrammed preregistered presanctified presterilized prestructured presubscribed propagandized propositioned psychologised psychologized quarterbacked radiolabelled rattlebrained reaccelerated reapportioned rearticulated recapitalized recapitulated recentrifuged reconditioned reconnoitered reconsecrated reconstituted reconstructed redintegrated redistributed reembroidered reencountered reestablished reexperienced reflectorized rehabilitated reinitialized reinterpreted reinterviewed reinvigorated remilitarized repartitioned repopularized repressurized repristinated reprovisioned requisitioned resynthesized retransferred retransformed retransmitted reupholstered sectarianized semicivilized sextuplicated shuttlecocked somnambulated sophisticated spiritualized steamrollered stereographed straightlaced subclassified subcontracted subdistricted subinfeudated subjectivised subjectivized substantiated summersaulted superabounded superannuated superelevated superhardened superinfected superintended superovulated superscripted technicalized technologized tenderhearted tergiversated thermostatted thimblerigged thymectomized tranquillized transmigrated transvaluated trothplighted ultrararefied unabbreviated unaccompanied unadjudicated unadulterated unanticipated unappreciated unarticulated unassimilated unbowdlerized uncapitalized unchlorinated uncircumcised uncompensated uncomplicated unconditioned unconsecrated unconstrained unconstricted unconstructed unconsummated uncoordinated underachieved underbudgeted undereducated underemployed underfinanced underinflated underprepared underreported underutilized undisciplined undiscouraged undissociated undistributed unelectrified unembarrassed unembellished unenlightened unestablished unhandicapped unhomogenized unimpassioned unimplemented uninterrupted unintimidated universalized unmanipulated unmetabolized unparasitized unpasteurized unprecedented unpressurized unrecompensed unremunerated unrepresented unspecialized untransformed wheelbarrowed12 letter words that end with ed
Europeanized Photostatted absentminded absinthiated accessorised accessorized acclimatised acclimatized accommodated accomplished acculturated achromatised achromatized acknowledged acquittanced administered affranchised affrightened agglomerated agglutinated airfreighted alphabetised alphabetized ammunitioned anesthetized animadverted anthologized apotheosized appropriated approximated assassinated backgrounded backpedalled backstitched battlemented beneficiated bespectacled blackguarded bloodstained bootstrapped bottlenecked brainstormed breadboarded bubbleheaded buttonhooked cannibalised cannibalized cannonballed cantilevered carboxylated carrottopped casehardened catheterized catholicized certificated chandeliered childproofed chloroformed circularised circularized circumvented civilianized closemouthed clotheslined cobblestoned cocounselled cocultivated codiscovered collaborated colonialized commandeered commemorated commiserated commissioned commoditized communalized communicated complemented complexified complexioned complimented comprehended computerised computerized concatenated concentrated concertinaed condescended confabulated confederated consolidated constellated consternated contaminated contemplated contradicted controverted conveyorised conveyorized corresponded corroborated cosmeticized cotransduced countenanced counteracted counterfired countermined countermoved counterposed crackbrained credentialed criminalized crisscrossed crosschecked crosshatched crystallised crystallized decarbonated decarbonized decarburized decerebrated declassified decompressed decontrolled decorticated decrepitated deemphasized defibrinated deformalized deglamorized dehumidified demagnetized democratized demonstrated denticulated deoxygenated deprogrammed desacralized desegregated desensitized desexualized destabilized desulfurized deteriorated detribalized diagonalized dichotomized dillydallied disappointed disassembled discomforted discommended disconcerted disconfirmed disconnected discontented discontinued disemboweled disenchanted disentangled disfurnished disheartened disinherited disinhibited disorganized dispossessed disqualified disrespected dissatisfied disseminated dissimilated dissimulated domesticated domiciliated dunderheaded eavesdropped electrocuted electrolyzed electrotyped emblematized encapsulated enfranchised enregistered equilibrated etherealized etymologised etymologized euthanatized expectorated experimented expostulated expropriated extemporised extemporized exteriorised exteriorized exterminated externalised externalized extinguished extrapolated extravagated extravasated fainthearted familiarised familiarized fasciculated featheredged feebleminded fellmongered fellowshiped fianchettoed fiberglassed filibustered fingerpicked flameproofed floodlighted fluoroscoped foregathered foregrounded foreordained foreshadowed formularized fractionated fragmentated fragmentized ganglionated geopressured gesticulated glasspapered glycerinated glycosylated gourmandized grandstanded greathearted guesstimated hallucinated heavyhearted hectographed helicoptered heliographed hemihydrated herringboned hierarchized historicized homeschooled hornswoggled horsewhipped hospitalised hospitalized housecleaned hydrocracked hydrogenated hydroxylated hyperbolized hypercharged hyperexcited hypostatized hypothecated hypothesizedFrom The Blog
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