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Words ending with: ic
12 letter words that end with ic
undiplomatic unscientific unsystematic vexillologic viscoelastic volcanologic zwitterionic11 letter words that end with ic
Hippocratic Paleolithic abiogenetic abiotrophic acatalectic acataleptic achondritic acidimetric acidophilic acrocentric acromegalic adaptogenic adiathermic aeolotropic aerodynamic aeroelastic agoraphobic albuminuric alchemistic algorithmic allographic allomorphic alloplasmic alloplastic amenorrheic amphibiotic amphichroic amphimictic amphipathic amphiphilic amphiprotic anacoluthic anacreontic anaesthetic analemmatic anarchistic anastomotic animalistic aniseikonic anisotropic anthracitic antimitotic antipyretic apocalyptic aponeurotic aposiopetic apostrophic archangelic areocentric astrometric astronautic atherogenic atmospheric audiometric autographic autotrophic auxotrophic axonometric barographic batholithic bathymetric bibliopegic bimorphemic bioclimatic bioelectric biologistic biorhythmic biquadratic blastematic blastoporic cacodemonic calisthenic camouflagic carbocyclic cardiogenic cardiotonic cataclysmic catechistic centromeric ceroplastic chalcedonic chameleonic charismatic charlatanic chemotactic chernozemic cholestatic cholesteric cholinergic chromatinic chromogenic chromomeric chronologic climacteric clinometric coenzymatic columnistic communistic conspecific copolymeric coulometric cryptogamic cryptogenic cryptologic cyclothymic cystoscopic cytogenetic cytokinetic cytomegalic cytoplasmic demographic dendrologic dialogistic diamagnetic diaphoretic diastrophic dichromatic dithyrambic dramaturgic duopolistic dyslogistic dysrhythmic econometric ectomorphic ectoplasmic ectothermic ectotrophic elastomeric embryogenic encomiastic endocytotic endomitotic endomorphic endoplasmic endothermic endotrophic epeirogenic epiphytotic epithalamic equicaloric erythristic esemplastic eucharistic euchromatic eudiometric euphemistic eurythermic feldspathic fetishistic feudalistic fibrocystic formalistic fungistatic gametogenic gastronomic geomagnetic geostrophic geotectonic glauconitic gnotobiotic goitrogenic gongoristic goniometric granolithic granophyric gravimetric gynecologic gynogenetic haggadistic hagioscopic halomorphic harmonistic hebephrenic heliometric heliotropic hematologic hemimorphic hemispheric hemodynamic hemopoietic hemorrhagic hepatotoxic hermeneutic heterogonic heterolytic heterotopic heterotypic histiocytic holoblastic holographic homeopathic homeostatic homogametic homographic homomorphic homoplastic homothallic hornblendic hydrocyanic hydromantic hydrometric hydropathic hydrophilic hydrophobic hydrophytic hydrostatic hydrotropic hygrometric hygrophytic hygroscopic hylozoistic hypercapnic hypercritic hypermetric hypermnesic hyperphagic hyperstatic hypnopompic hypogastric hypokalemic hypomorphic hypoplastic hypothermic hypsometric ideogrammic ideographic idioblastic idiographic idiomorphic immunogenic immunologic inauthentic interatomic interethnic intervallic ionospheric isallobaric isoelectric ithyphallic jargonistic kinesthetic kymographic laccolithic leukoplakic logarithmic logographic luteotropic lymphocytic macrobiotic macrocosmic macrocyclic macrophagic macrophytic macroscopic manneristic martensitic masochistic mechanistic mediumistic megalomanic melancholic melioristic mentalistic meroblastic meromorphic mesomorphic mesonephric mesopelagic mesophyllic mesospheric mesotrophic metacentric metagenetic metallurgic metamorphic metanephric metaplastic metasomatic methodistic microcosmic microlithic microphonic microscopic mineralogic modernistic monochromic monogastric monogenetic monographic monomorphic monozygotic morphogenic morphologic multiethnic multiphasic mutualistic myelopathic myoelectric mythopoetic narcoleptic nasogastric natriuretic necromantic necrophilic neologistic nephrotoxic neuroleptic neuropathic neurotropic nomographic nonacademic nonallergic nonanalytic nonanatomic nonaromatic nonartistic nonathletic nondiabetic nondidactic nondogmatic nondomestic nondramatic noneconomic nonelectric nonemphatic nonharmonic nonmagnetic nonmetallic nonoperatic nonorgasmic nonphonemic nonphonetic nonromantic nonspecific nonsyllabic nonsymbolic nonsystemic nontheistic nonvolcanic obscurantic ochlocratic ontogenetic optokinetic orthodontic orthopaedic orthoscopic orthostatic osteopathic palindromic palynologic pantheistic paragenetic paragraphic parallactic parenthetic paresthetic pedogenetic peridotitic peripatetic peristaltic pessimistic philosophic phonogramic phonotactic photometric photomosaic photophobic photostatic phototactic phototropic physiologic piezometric pinocytotic planimetric plasmolytic pleiotropic pleomorphic pluralistic plutocratic polycentric polygenetic polygraphic polymorphic polytechnic porphyritic postclassic postvocalic prebiologic prediabetic predynastic preelectric prehistoric preromantic presynaptic problematic procephalic proctologic prokaryotic proteolytic prothoracic protopathic protostelic psilophytic psittacotic psychedelic psychiatric psychogenic psychologic pyroclastic pyrotechnic pyroxenitic racialistic radiometric renographic ribonucleic ritualistic saprophytic schizogonic scholiastic seismologic semiaquatic semiclassic seminomadic shamanistic socialistic sociometric sociopathic solipsistic spasmolytic spherulitic sphincteric spiritistic spirometric sporophytic stalactitic stalagmitic staurolitic steatopygic stenobathic stereotaxic stereotypic subspecific sycophantic syllogistic symbolistic sympathetic symptomatic synecdochic synergistic synesthetic syntagmatic technologic telegraphic telekinetic telocentric teratogenic teratologic terroristic tetrasporic thalassemic theocentric theorematic therapeutic thermoduric thixotropic thyrotropic titrimetric tomographic topocentric topographic toxicologic toxoplasmic transuranic trisyllabic tritheistic troglodytic tumorigenic typographic ulcerogenic unaesthetic unauthentic uncinematic uneccentric unidiomatic unpatriotic unrealistic vandalistic vasospastic verbalistic violinistic viscometric voodooistic voyeuristicFrom The Blog
10 Quick Tips for Winning At Scrabble
Scrabble, the classic word game enjoyed by millions worldwide, combines vocabulary strength, strategic thinking, and a bit of luck. Mastering Scrabble requires more than just a rich vocabulary; it also demands smart gameplay strategies. Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your skills, these ten quick tips will help you improve your game and increase your chances of winning.
A Look Back at the World's First Crossword Puzzle
Oh, the humble crossword! A crossword is a word game that has puzzled, delighted, and occasionally infuriated us for over a century. But have you ever stopped to wonder about the history of this beloved pastime? Buckle up, word nerds, because we're about to embark on a wild ride through the annals of crossword history!
The Top Brain Training Apps Of 2024
Never has the need for brain training been so great as it is today. Most of us spent much of the last few years at home in lockdown, teens stared at their screens and many of us suffered brain fog as a consequence. So, what better way is there to boost our brain health than to try some brain training techniques.
How To Solve An Anagram In 6 Easy Steps
If you’re the kind of person that can instantly solve an anagram within the first few seconds of seeing it, with all the letters magically swirling and floating into place like you’re Sherlock Holmes, then please know that we all envy you...
How To Solve A Cryptogram In 8 Steps
Do you get that feeling of satisfaction anytime you crack a mind-racking puzzle? If you do then you’re absolutely going to love cryptograms and the challenge they bring...