Words ending with: ts

11 letter words that end with ts

entailments enthusiasts enticements entombments entrapments equivalents ergonomists escapements escarpments ethologists etiologists eugenicists euhemerists euphoriants evangelists evolvements excitements exodontists experiments factionists factualists famishments federalists fetologists fibroblasts fictionists fingerposts firstfruits flagellants flamboyants flashlights flocculants floodlights folklorists forthrights frameshifts frontcourts fussbudgets gemologists generalists geneticists geochemists gestaltists gingerroots glossarists governments gradualists graffitists grapefruits grapholects greenhearts habiliments handbaskets handicrafts harassments hartebeests hematocrits henotheists heterocysts hierophants horologists housefronts houseguests houselights houseplants hovercrafts humidistats iconoclasts idempotents ideologists illuminants illuminists immoralists immunoblots immurements impairments impalements impartments impediments impregnants incitements indictments inducements ingredients inhabitants instalments instruments integuments intendments intergrafts internments interplants interpoints intertwists intoxicants intriguants introspects investments jackrabbits journalists juggernauts kineticists knackwursts knifepoints knockabouts knockwursts legitimists leucoplasts liberalists librettists lieutenants literalists liverwursts magazinists magnificats makeweights malcontents managements manicurists manuscripts maximalists medicaments menservants meritocrats microbursts micropipets militarists millwrights minimalists ministrants misconducts misconnects misogamists misogynists mixologists mizzenmasts monarchists monetarists monogamists monologists monopolists monotheists mycologists myeloblasts narcissists naturalists negativists nematocysts neorealists neutralists nightlights nightshirts nominalists noncabinets noncontacts nondeviants nonmigrants nonpayments nonreceipts nonstudents nonsubjects nonsupports nostalgists nympholepts obituarists obtainments oceanfronts omnipotents oncologists ontologists operettists orangeroots orchardists ordainments organicists orthoepists osteoblasts osteoclasts outpatients overasserts overcommits overdirects overflights overreports overweights pacificists paddleboats palimpsests panegyrists pantywaists paramagnets parliaments parturients pastellists pediatrists pedicurists pedologists penologists peppermints percipients permafrosts pharmacists phenocrysts piccoloists picketboats pickpockets plagiarists plainchants playwrights pluperfects podiatrists polemicists polygamists polytheists pomologists positivists postscripts pragmatists preachments preconcerts prefascists preferments preharvests prepayments prizefights proficients propellants propellents protectants protestants protoplasts punishments pursuivants puzzlements quadruplets quintuplets rabblements ravagements ravishments reaccredits reacquaints reafforests rearguments rearmaments recidivists recitalists reconquests recoupments redcurrants rediscounts redistricts refinements registrants relativists requiescats resentments respondents restaurants retirements retransmits retreatants retrospects reunionists revanchists revealments revilements revivalists rhapsodists rheologists rinderpests riverfronts roundabouts rouseabouts roustabouts rubythroats rudderposts sauerkrauts scoutcrafts secularists securements seducements semideserts seminarists sensualists separatists serologists settlements sexologists shinsplints shipwrights shirtfronts shirtwaists shorefronts signalments sinologists solacements solicitants solidarists somersaults soubriquets spacecrafts specialists spiderworts spleenworts spoilsports sportscasts stagecrafts standpoints statecrafts statoblasts stepparents sticktights stigmatists stitchworts storefronts strategists stringhalts subcompacts subdialects submediants subproducts subprojects subsegments subsequents suffragists superagents supergiants superscouts supplements supplicants surfactants surrealists sweatshirts sweethearts symphonists symposiasts syncretists synonymists synthesists tanglements taxonomists technocrats tenderfoots thereabouts thermostats threnodists throughputs thumbprints topgallants topologists toponymists torchlights tournaments tourniquets tradecrafts trailerists transcripts transplants trichocysts trichromats trivialists trombonists turboshafts typescripts typologists ultralights undercounts undercrofts underreacts undershirts undershoots undershorts underskirts unfoldments unicyclists uninterests vicegerents vignettists virologists voiceprints wainwrights wanderlusts watercrafts waterfronts waterspouts whereabouts wildebeests wilderments witchcrafts wonderments workbaskets

10 letter words that end with ts

Adventists Biblicists Hottentots Methodists Photostats abasements abashments abatements abodements absolvents absorbants absorbents absurdists academists acceptants actionists actualists adderworts addlements adornments adsorbents aerialists aerobionts affidavits affirmants affixments afterheats agistments agreements agterskots alchemists alignments alinements allayments allegiants allergists alleviants allografts allotments alphasorts alphatests alternants amassments amazements amendments amoralists amusements analogists anarchists anatomists annuitants annulments apartments apologists appellants appendants applecarts applicants architects archivists archivolts arrestants arrowroots ascendants ascendents assailants assistants assumpsits astronauts atonalists atonements attendants auteurists autografts autopilots backcourts backlights backshifts balladists ballpoints bandicoots battements besetments biblicists bicyclists biologists birthroots birthworts blacklists blastments bloodroots bloodspots bluepoints blueprints blueshifts bombsights braillists branchlets bratwursts breakfasts brilliants broadcasts buckwheats bullfights butterfats butternuts byproducts cablecasts cabriolets

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